How does Nvidia and Lenovo help us to make flight safer!

How does Nvidia and Lenovo help us to make flight safer!

BCMS-VENTUR, is based on a system of cameras connected to servers: real-time video analysis, camera control and data management are performed on a Lenovo HPC server, connected to the IP cameras. With the Nvidia t4 Passive GPU and the Active GPU Quadro RTX 40008GB we are making flying, even your flight, safer!

tEc in the gotha of #AI

tEc in the gotha of #AI

On Sept. 29, 2021, Season 3 of the prestigious AI@Centech accelerator, the Thales accelerator in Montreal, was presented. The Edge Company presented its bird and drone detection system BCMS® Ventur, capable of seeing drones and birds, recognizing bird species and naturally removing them from airport areas.

BCMS VENTUR at the Grottaglie spaceport for MAM – 22/23/24 of september

BCMS VENTUR at the Grottaglie spaceport for MAM – 22/23/24 of september

A 3-day event to show aerospace innovations, with live demonstrations of new technologies and with live and remote meetings to learn about the mobility of the near future, Urban Air Mobility. This is the Mediterranean Aerospace Matching told in a few lines. An opportunity that is an important showcase for the world of Italian innovation in this sector and which will see the participation of 25 selected startups as well as numerous Italian companies.

BCMS Ventur presented to WBA

BCMS Ventur presented to WBA

Tomorrow, January 13, 2021 we will be presenting the BCMS Ventur System at the World Birdstrike Association Conference. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic the conference will be held for the first time through a web platform and this, although it has disadvantages, has...

Lenovo presents our solutions in its webinars about AI

Lenovo presents our solutions in its webinars about AI

2 webinars in which the solutions designed and created by The Edge Company were presented. Lenovo, together with Nvidia, as part of the Rapid Bytes Big Insights webinars that examine the use of Artificial Intelligence linked to Computer Vision, focused on the Maestro...

The Edge Company at the Thales Lab for Vivatech Paris

The Edge Company at the Thales Lab for Vivatech Paris

The Edge Company was selected by Thales, avionics giant, to participate in the most important trade fair for innovation in Europe: Vivatech. The fair was held in Paris from 16 to 18 May, and The Edge Company was among the 33 startups selected by Thales to present the...

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Cap. Soc. IV : € 1.020.466
R.E.A.: RN-402033
P.IVA: 04325430405

News - en


THE EDGE COMPANY is part of the Regional Innovative Network that has won the tender with the Hybrid Sustainable Worlds project. Total amount of call 2.998.736,75 €


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Via Flaminia, 168
47923 Rimini - Italy



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