2 webinars in which the solutions designed and created by The Edge Company were presented. Lenovo, together with Nvidia, as part of the Rapid Bytes Big Insights webinars that examine the use of Artificial Intelligence linked to Computer Vision, focused on the Maestro...
Fabio Masci showing Ventur in the panel Artificial intelligence for aviation. NAIS 2020. Artificial Intelligence for the air transport industry. We were invited as a speaker in a panel together with Russian State Corporation for air traffic management and Kaspersky....
The Edge Company was selected by Thales, avionics giant, to participate in the most important trade fair for innovation in Europe: Vivatech. The fair was held in Paris from 16 to 18 May, and The Edge Company was among the 33 startups selected by Thales to present the...
The 3 applications created for the Oriental Art Museum of Venice were delivered. 3 experiences gathered together in a single App to experience the museum in a more engaging way thanks to Augmented Reality. We have created an application that, with the use of a...
We are proud to announce that our company has been chosen to become part of the Acceleration Program offered by The Camp. Only 10 startups from all over the world can access this program which will start in September and last 3 months. The Edge Company will represent...
On 29th June, in Giometti’s cinemas in Riccione, within the Festival of Business Values of Confindustria Romagna, The Edge Company presented the Maestro System in Augmented Reality, giving an idea of what it is possible thanks to to this powerful...